gonna eat you all up before breakfast
moon. ask for some more.
still hungry for you.
Posted in hello, moon
Checkin' things out by the river.
Posted in hello, moon
gonna eat you all up before breakfast
moon. ask for some more.
still hungry for you.
Posted in hello, moon
gonna drink you right into our eyes
moon. tell you a story.
without any words.
Posted in hello, moon
still remember when you were a baby
moon. got to hold you and walk
around the room.
look at you now…
growin up so soon.
Posted in hello, moon
walking around the building
moon. turning the corner.
imagining you.
Posted in hello, moon
we heard you got new leather pants
moon. what are the chances of
seein them soon?
Posted in hello, moon
there you are
moon. in the sky…
Posted in hello, moon
tell us a bedtime story
moon. of pirates and
shipwrecks and (pull tabs?)
and rum.
Posted in hello, moon
full train. empty train. crazy train
moon. the midnight express
is headin toward you.
Posted in hello, moon
Posted in hello, moon
just in time for some thunder and lightning
moon. it’s an encore performance.
featuring you.