the town is fast asleep
moon. beneath a winter sky.
tomorrow brings a brand new year
and we will say goodbye.
Posted in hello, moon
Checkin' things out by the river.
Posted in hello, moon
the town is fast asleep
moon. beneath a winter sky.
tomorrow brings a brand new year
and we will say goodbye.
Posted in hello, moon
winter-gray clouds come to visit
moon. leaving their coats
on the walk.
hanging their hats
on the light posts.
and trees—
tip-toeing up
to knock.
Posted in hello, moon
maybe you’ll give us a clue
moon. maybe the tip of a hat.
maybe a hint and a wink and a
nod to a bit of hedge
on a bet.
maybe you’ll do what you do
moon. maybe you won’t what you
don’t. maybe say no after
all that you know about yes when the
dreamers confess.
maybe you’ll dance in the snow
moon. maybe you’ll take
one more chance. maybe you’ll love
what you love when you
love without ever
looking back.
(Jim‘s not so sure)
(about that)
Posted in hello, moon
the right here of here
moon. the true grit of true.
what would we, what
could we, what
should we
Posted in hello, moon
frosty and icy and slippery
moon. make some hot cocoa
and curl up with you.
Posted in hello, moon
paper and boxes and packaging
moon. none of the presents
compare to you.
Posted in hello, moon
icicles, snowplows and candles
moon. we won’t be returning
the gift from you.
Posted in hello, moon
eve of an eve of another eve
moon. happy and merry and
wrapped around you.
Posted in hello, moon
blow you up like a balloon
moon. the best decoration
in the room.
Posted in hello, moon
sleepin as fast as we can
moon. savin our wide-awake
hours for you.