do what you do
moon. don’t what you don’t—
we’re gonna watch you
no matter what.
Posted in hello, moon
Checkin' things out by the river.
Posted in hello, moon
do what you do
moon. don’t what you don’t—
we’re gonna watch you
no matter what.
Posted in hello, moon
heart grew so full it broke
moon. and melted
on the floor
trickled through
the hardwood cracks and
dripped on guests
found its way to
hidden things,
sipped a bit of
caught the twinkle of
a star and just a hint
of free
kissed the face of
dreams come true
sleeping by the stair
played a bit with
kitty cat and
wandered out
the door.
Posted in hello, moon
thank you
for being you.
Posted in hello, moon
there were questions before you arrived
moon. after you leave there might be
a few too.
Posted in hello, moon
one thing we’ve learned
in this time
moon. one thing seems sure
in the blur:
we can fill a heart.
with a song.
or two.
mend a hurt
with time.
skip to my Lou
when there’s ice.
on the pond–
ponder a bit
about you.
Posted in hello, moon
says he’s a man of the people
moon. we’re hopin his people come
pick him up soon.
Posted in hello, moon
gonna line all the fire trucks up
moon. extend all the ladders
and climb to you.
Posted in hello, moon
open, not open, re-opening
moon. we’d go to great lengths
to patronize you.
Posted in hello, moon
you’re easy on the eyes
moon. handy with your hands.
stop the clock
we’ll pick you up—
if you haven’t other plans.
Posted in hello, moon
remind us to remember
moon. be kind when we forget.
remind us when we have no time—
that time is all
we’ve left.