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Guest Blog

Goodnight Moon

here’s what you had to say about the moon…


by Kevin Zepper

‘Round the rim
…of the full moon
halo’s the sirens song,
trailing down to earth
on lunar light.

This silent whistle wail
touches off the madman’s
babble behind the ear.

Tune envelopes
the world
with scales,
rising tides
in humankind
to the edge of

Goodnight Moon…

by Janelle

I look forward to reading Red River Girl’s post about the moon every morning…sometimes sharing with family and friends. It’s been a great way to start my day and always curious about what the MOON has been up to the night before. ; )

Good Night Moon! I’ll be missing you.

A Trip

by d.m.

Well let me say I have enjoyed reading the moon phases when I do and that can be once in a blue moon depending on how busy one gets . I think you have probably went to the moon and back by now and that would be 552,000 miles . If you’re thinking about the sun , now that’s a trip . 186,000,000 miles round trip. Moontime …

To The Moon

by >H<

not quite sure bout you “Moon”

sly on the side,

but easy on the eyes!

I Wonder

by hassyjus

Someday I want to travel to the moon
with my suitcase packed
and the people who matter most to me.

Does it feel the same to laugh on the moon?
What happens to tears when you cry?
Will my food taste the same?

I see the moon and the moon sees me.
God bless the moon
and God bless me.

(and God bless you too! and dieu and dieu and dieu and dieu and dieu!)

The Kids Say Goodnight

by Lanelle

Goodnight Moon
You’ve treated us well
You’re probably laughing when we stare
way up high
and wonder what you really are
when asked
by kids who are in awe of you and the cows
that jump so high
like a (solitaire) diamond in the sky
goodnight moon and goodnight brush
and goodnight to the old lady whispering hush…

Moon beams

by t

I love my daily moon beams!
I enjoy imagining what transpired that inspired each poem.
I especially like when I’ve been a part of what transpired.

THANK YOU! Looking forward to next year’s journey.



Who gave you a name, moon?
How’d you come to be?
You’re as old as wind, moon.
Older than the sea.

Many million years, moon,
You’ve patrolled the skies.
Many thousand years, moon,
Reflected in our eyes.

Countless souls you’ve shined on, moon.
They must blur as one.
Modern man to cavemen, moon.
Individuals; sum.

You’ve been there through it all, moon.
Human history.
The knowledge you must have, moon,
Of humanity.

What could you tell us, moon,
About our mortal race?
Will our species last, moon?
Can we keep our pace?

The things you must have seen, moon.
The secrets you must hold.
Answer all our questions, moon.
Share what you’ve been told.

Coming Moon

by CJ

Opposite noon
Overhead looms
Mesmerized by its beam
The caress I confess
Mistaken for a dream?
Awaken I will not
Sever the ever known
Board the rocket
Listen to it scream
With abandon embrace
Visions that dance
In that space…
…glancing back
Behind things fade
Blurring to black
Bitter, sweetness and names
Do remain…

Au Dieu Moon

Seems so briefly ago we met
Ever regretting your moonset
Close reminder of our star,
that seems too far
Orange, white, blue or red
It’s best when you put me to bed
My dreams are with you,
even when you are new
Till we next meet
When again,
I’ll be complete

Aye, Hey Moon Aye

by Pirate B

Ahoy, rather than state unintarstin’
facts about us, Moon. Arrr,
such as when we war
born etc. Garrrr

We would like t’ take this opportunity t’ gi’e
thanks t’ our fans.

Ahoy, it’s good t’ touch the green green grass
o’ home, A pence for an old man o’de
sea? Aye, the third world Gato, the Amboy Dukes
journey t’ the center
o’ the mind. Arrr, Death is Life, ye’ll ne’er
get me buried booty! Arrr, and now the sun’s
comin’ up and I’m ridin’ with lady luck. Aye,
me parrot concurs. Arrr,
seas, ships and swords, seas, ships and swords, ships
and swords. A pence for an old man o’de

1pt Jäger, 1pt Vodka, 1pt Tequila, and maybe a float of Red Bull….

by Crossing Borders

I continued on with my compadre and traveled  way north of the border through the deep wells of old style. We drank ourselves down the drunken path and bellied up alongside wanna-be-veterans posing as carnivores in clown suits. I slammed my champagne then photographed them singing their sad songs of death while lovers fought in sticky-corner-booths. Rain and rum could’ve had something to do with this, but it was just the moon.