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Red River Girl Posts


Posted in hello, moon

the doctor said eat more lettuce
moon. so that’s what we’re tryin to do.
but it’d surely taste better with

(a stuffed pork chop dinner) or…
(cheese curds and fried peppers) or…
(shrimp dipped in butter) or…

maybe just topped off with sprinkles
of you.


Posted in hello, moon

sometimes people ask about Jim
moon. and I really don’t know what to say.
he’s got a sweet spacesuit, likes
rødgrød med fløde—and I made him up one day.

(you know I knew better)
(but he’s fun in this weather)


Posted in hello, moon

gonna quarter you up
moon. and slice you real thin. and serve you
with lamb chops and walnuts and gin.

gonna pass you around
moon. again and again. until the first
have had seconds. then wash out the pan.

gonna stash you away
moon. and smoke a cigar. put our feet up
and smile, cuz we made it this far:
