let’s get you hooked up to the internet
moon. we got a boat load of messages
to forward you.
(and Jim is a doctor…not that quick with an oar)
Checkin' things out by the river.
Posted in hello, moon
let’s get you hooked up to the internet
moon. we got a boat load of messages
to forward you.
(and Jim is a doctor…not that quick with an oar)
Posted in hello, moon
sit down and relax
moon. you’re as white as a ghost.
let’s try to get through this.
(without any smokes)
Posted in hello, moon
the moon gave us your number. but we’re
not gonna call. on account of this weather.
and Miss Manners and all.
(hello, operator)
(how do you do?)
(will we need a +1 to dial Cancun?)
Posted in hello, moon
please pass more turkey and stuffing
moon. we’re thankful we got
a friend like you.
(and you’re good at keepin our secrets too)
Posted in hello, moon
stop by for some cookies and cider
moon. take a break. stretch your legs…
you’re halfway home.
(Jim wants you to drop off his garden gnome)
Posted in hello, moon
will you pretty please tune up
your mandolin moon? we’ll dance you
a jig if you do.
Posted in hello, moon
the town’s gettin lit up for the holidays
moon. we’re gonna need a long ladder
to decorate you.
Posted in hello, moon
we parked your ride out behind fryn’ pan
moon. cuz we know that’s your code name
for night school.
(your mother is not gonna fall for this scam)
(and why are you drivin a van?)
Posted in hello, moon
Posted in hello, moon
do you really have to go moon? do you
need to fade away?
If we could wish kisses…
we’d kiss you to stay.
we know.
you’ll go.
so we’ll save you a place.
just in case.